I’ve started taking Rice Bran daily.
It supposedly lowers the bad Cholesterol – LDL, and can lower blood sugar levels in Diabetics. It decreases degenerative diseases by combating free radicals which can lead to heart attack, stroke, and cancer and contains over 100 antioxidants including tocotrienols, slowing the aging process.
Sounds GREAT to me !!!

I use the trusty old Bamix to make a thickshake of rice Bran with soy milk and a banana. Looks like 20grams is the average daily dosage.
One of the many compounds in Rice Bran is Lipoic acid, which increases the efficiency of Vitamins C & E, glutathione and improves metabolism.
I read this as a perfect complement to MAX GXL Glutathione Accelerator – the Max produces the Glutathione and the Rice Bran ensures the Glutathione is as efficient as it can be – plus there are so many other benefits that Rice Bran gives.
The Lipoic Acid is a powerful compound for producing energy in muscles and is an important link in the vital antioxidant network. It is an essential key that unlocks energy from the food we eat. This energy is available for everything we need to do.
Lipoic acid normalizes blood sugar levels and reduces glycation. Glycation is the damage done to the body by excess sugar. Glycation leads to accelerated aging, heart disease and diabetes complications. It has been used for nearly thirty years to treat neuropathy, help regulate blood sugar and prevent diabetic cardiopathy and retinopathy. Lipoic acid protects the nervous system and may be involved in the regeneration of nerves.
For decades, lipoic acid has been used to protect the liver and to detoxify the body of heavy metal pollutants such as cadmium, lead, mercury and excessive iron and copper. According to Dr. Richard A. Passwater, Ph.D., one of the most exciting recent developments is that lipoic acid appears to help slow the progression of HIV infection to clinical AIDS.
Known as the metabolic antioxidant, lipoic acid regenerates other antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect the body against the damage that can cause heart disease, cancer, aging, strokes, arthritis, cataracts and most degenerative diseases.
Stabilized Rice Bran has all Essential Fatty Acids, great for skin disorders such as eczema or psoriasis; absolutely necessary for normal function and development of the brain. Deficiency of EFA’S leads to an impaired ability to learn and recall information.
It contains all Essential Amino Acids. Amino acids act as precursors to neurotransmitters. They are necessary in order for the brain to receive and send messages. Unless they are present together, in the correct proportion, almost anything can go wrong with the transmission of the message. Amino acids enable vitamins and minerals to perform their jobs properly; even if they are absorbed and assimilated rapidly, vitamins and minerals will not be effective unless amino acids are present.
High Potency Antioxidant Enzymes aid in tissue growth and repair, development of nerve cells, and proper metabolic functioning. Enzymes help prevent digestive problems. Enzymes are essential and play a role in virtually all body functions- life could not be sustained without enzymes.
CoEnzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant; it activates beta receptor cells which allow the body to recognize the insulin it produces, protects the brain from free radical damage, helps reduce clogged arteries of the heart and is beneficial for heart disease. It is a vitamin-like substance that resembles vitamin E, but may be an even more powerful antioxidant. It declines naturally in the body as we age and needs to be supplemented. The New England Institute reports that coenzyme Q10 alone is extremely effective at reducing mortality in people affected with tumors and leukemia. It has the ability to counter histamine and is valuable to allergy and asthma sufferers. It is beneficial in aging, obesity, candidiasis, multiple sclerosis, periodontal disease and diabetes. Because of its immense effect on boosting the immune system, AIDs is a primary target for research.
Phytosterols are natural phytonutrients which help to modulate hormone levels. At any age, hormones are involved in nearly all our bodily functions. They carry messages to cells all over the body, influencing activities such as growth, metabolism, cholesterol transport, bone building and sexual development. Phytosterols are natural plant compounds that are converted into hormones during the normal digestive process.
A healthy cell knows precisely how to grow, when to divide and when to stop. But if the genetic information within the cell is injured or altered, the cell may begin to behave erratically. This often leads to cancers and tumors, which can grow malignant and spread throughout the body. Researchers have discovered that phytosterols may help manipulate the hormonal environment in a favorable way, and by doing so, may help prevent hormone related cellular changes from occurring.
Glutathione and Glutathione Peroxidase are high detoxifiers of free radicals and are critical for overall health maintenance. Known as the ‘triple threat’ amino acid, glutathione is found in the cells of nearly all living organisms on earth, and its primary job is waste disposal.
When free radicals are lurking about, threatening to start an oxidation reaction, Glutathione catches them, neutralizes them, passes them on to another antioxidant (such as vitamin E) and begins the cycle anew. In the liver, this powerful amino acid latches onto toxic substances and binds to them, so the liver can excrete them without being damaged. It also prevents healthy red blood cells from being damaged by neutralizing unstable forms of oxygen.
Medical research in Abundance –
This Link to approx 50 PDF’s of Stabilised Rice Bran Research http://www.stabilizedricebranresearch.com/
Other Research papers –
1. Kamen, B. 2001. Stabilized Rice Bran. Alternative Medicine, 2001 Jul:53-66.
2. Qureshi AA, Sami SA, Khan FA. Effects of stabilized rice bran, its soluble and fiber fractions on blood glucose levels and serum lipid parameters in humans with diabetes mellitus Types I and II. J Nutr Biochem 2002 Mar;13(3):175-187.
3. Xu Z, Hua N, Godber JS. Antioxidant activity of tocopherols, tocotrienols, and gamma-oryzanol components from rice bran against cholesterol oxidation accelerated by 2,2í-azobis(2-methylpropionamidine) dihydrochloride. J Agric Food Chem 2001 Apr;49(4):2077-81.
4. Qureshi AA, Sami SA, Salser WA, Khan FA. Dose-dependent suppression of serum cholesterol by tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF25) of rice bran in hypercholesterolemic humans. Atherosclerosis 2002 Mar;161(1):199-207.
5. Ref: Cheruvanky et al., “Methods for Treating Joint Inflammation, Pain and Loss of Mobility,” U.S. Patent No. 6,902,739, Nov 2001.
6. Ostlund, Jr. R. E. 2003. Phytosterols in Human Nutrition. Annual Rev. in Nutrition, 22:533-49.
7. Jones, P J H., Howell T., Natanios FY., Raeini-Sarjaz M, Vanstone CA., 1999. Cholesterol lowering efficacy of a sitostanol containing sitosterol mixture with prudent diet in hyperlipidemic men. Am.J. Clin. Nutr. 69:1144-50.
8. Berges, K A.,Senge, T. 2000. Effect of Beta-sitosterol on transforming growth factor-beta-1 expression and translocation protein kinase C alpha in human prostate stomal cells in vitro. Eur. Urol., 37(6): 735-41.
9. Gupta, M B., Nath, R., Srivatsava, N., Shankar, K., Kishor, K and Bhargava, K P. 1980. Anti-inflammatory and anti-Pyretic effect of beta-sitosterol. J. Medicinal plant Res. 39:157-163.
10. Awad, A B., Downie, D., Fink, C S. 2000. Inhibition of growth and stimulation of apoptosis by beta-sitosterol treatment of human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells in culture. Int. J. Mol. Med,5:541-545.
11. Awad, A B., von Holtz, R L., Cone, J P., Fink, C. S., Chen, Y-C. 1998. Beta-sitosterol inhibits the growth of HT-29 human coloncancer cells by activating shingomyelin cycle. m Anticancer Res. 18:471-479.
12. Awad, A B. and Fink, C. S. 2000. Phytosterol as anticancer dietary component: Evidence and Mechanism of action. J.of Nutrition 130:2127-2130.
13. Bouic, P J D., Estebeth, S., Leibenberg, R. W., Albrecht, C. F., Pegel, K., Van Jaarsveld, P P. 1996. Beta-sitosterol and beta-sitosterol glucoside stimulate human peripheral lymphocyte proliferation: Implication for their use as an immunomodulatory vitamin combination. Int. J. Immunopharmacology 18: 693-700 (Medline).
14. Minhajuddina, M, Begb, Z, Iqbal, J. 2005. Hypolipidemic and antioxidant properties of tocotrienol rich fraction isolated from rice bran oil in experimentally induced hyperlipidemic rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology J. 43(5):747-753, May 2005.
15. Iqbal, J, Minhajuddin, M. 2003. Suppression of 7,12-dimethylbenz[[alpha]]anthracene-induced carcinogenesis and hypercholesterolaemia in rats by tocotrienol-rich fraction isolated from rice bran oil. European J. of Cancer Prevention 12(6):447-453, Dec 2003.