Funny Labrador eating Breakfast
Breakfast at Gingers!! Share
Without a doubt, this is a very special Corvette. The custom body is coated with a unique black and silver base coat under a translucent violet hue with subtle ghost flames that can only be seen at certain angles. At night it takes on a stealth quality, becoming almost invisible. Steve Mack Shed Mate who runs […]
ShareProfessional Chefs cook with gas. Gas makes cooking easier and is cheaper than using electricity. An added bonus is that you have two power sources in an emergency. Things to watch out for when selecting a gas oven – look where the hot air vents out- our wall oven doesn’t go up a […]
ShareMake a photocopy of all your cards, front and back – store copies in different places. If your cards are ever lost or stolen, you will have all the details in the same place. This also helps to remind you of what cards you have. To be totally organised, beside each card you can write […]
ShareCook Basmati Rice in 8 minutes – put half or full a teaspoon of turmeric and some salt into a saucepan of water and bring to the boil. Add the rice to the boiling water and stir until it stops sticking to the bottom. Start a timer at the first signs of returning to the boil […]
ShareUPDATE:2015 I used to cook Pappadums in the microwave, but I’ve returned to cooking them in oil, they taste so much better. Here is the old way – I cook my Pappadums in the Microwave . I used to cook them in oil as per the instructions but it uses a lot of oil, which […]
ShareRichard Fidler is an excellent interviewer and he has the most interesting guests on his 1hr show on ABC radio. I have been listening to him since his first interview several years ago and he is brilliant. He brings out the best in his subjects, often getting them to tell more than they meant to, and it’s […]
ShareThis is an excellent curry kit, with fresh ground spices in one sachet and dried herbs and spices in another. I added some yoghurt to the standard recipe, and after eating this meal twice, a week apart, I rate it very highly. I used 12 ‘Chicken Lovely Legs’ from the Woolworths deli – they are much better value than […]